Cinemakers: Christopher Nolan #037 – Insomnia (2002)
If Insomnia is considered a disappointment by some, it’s only because of the great heights Nolan tends to soar at when making his movies. Arguably his “worst” film (aside from Following), Insomnia is, to quote Chris’s Letterboxd review, “a leveled up police procedural that, unfortunately, ends exactly like a police procedural.” Combining Robin Williams (in the “serious” era of his career) with, perhaps, the last great performance (so far, anyway) given by Al Pacino, Insomnia is a well-made version of a movie you feel like you’ve seen before. Add in some references that make you feel like you’re watching Twin Peaks (or a David Fincher movie) and there isn’t much to not like. Considering the next movie we’re getting in this journey is Batman Begins, this is (far and away) the “smallest” Nolan will get for a long, long time.
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