how to win the lottery s3e19 – aesthetica by allie rowbottom
the newest episode of lotto pod is also the newest book we’ll cover this season: aesthetica by allie rowbottom. first, some news: shreds is dead; long live tulsa, who shares his thoughts on saying “happy birthday.” we then talk about how the internet has changed over the course of this season, how “the real world” keeps popping up in our conversations, and how phones have changed the ways we socialize. we wonder if surgery will ever become obsolete. tulsa shares the research he did for the episode (and describes some tiktok memes) before he accidentally engages in self-harm, gets vulnerable, and shows his age.
reading list for season three
a touch of jen by beth morgan
the shore by katie runde
mount chicago by adam levin (bonus episode)
literally show me a healthy person by darcie wilder
amygdalatropolis by b r yeager
shitstorm by fernando sdrigotti
the novelist by jordan castro
liveblog by megan boyle
17776 by jon bois
snow crash by neal stephenson
no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood
aesthetica by allie rowbottom
things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eric larocca
neuromancer by william gibson
we had to remove this post by hanna bervoets
fake accounts by lauren oyler
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