Category: how to win the lottery

how to win the lottery s13e4 – suicide by édouard levé

how to win the lottery s13e4 – suicide by édouard levé

“your life was a hypothesis. those who die old are made of the past. thinking of them, one thinks of what they have done. thinking of you, one thinks of what you could have become. you were, and you will remain, made up of possibilities. your suicide was the most important thing you ever said, but you’ll never be able to enjoy the fruits of this labor.”

how to win the lottery s13e2 – if on a winter's night a traveler by italo calvino

how to win the lottery s13e2 – if on a winter’s night a traveler by italo calvino

“you are about to begin reading italo calvino’s new novel, if on a winter’s night a traveler. relax. concentrate. dispel every other thought. let the world around you fade. best to close the door; the tv is always on in the next room. tell the others right away, “no, i don’t want to watch tv!” raise your voice—they won’t hear you otherwise—“i’m reading! i don’t want to be disturbed!” maybe they haven’t heard you, with all that racket; speak louder, yell: “i’m beginning to read italo calvino’s new novel!” or if you prefer, don’t say anything; just hope they’ll leave you alone.”

how to win the lottery s13e1 – interior chinatown by charles yu

how to win the lottery s13e1 – interior chinatown by charles yu

“there’s just something about asians that makes reality a little too real, overcomplicates the clarity, the duality, the clean elegance of black and white, the proven template and so the decision is made not in some overarching conspiracy to exclude asians but because it’s just easier to keep it how we have it.”