how to win the lottery s3e24 – fake accounts by lauren oyler
our internet module comes to a close with fake accounts by lauren oyler — and yet another great author instagram handle. we share praise for the title, discuss whether or not fake accounts is satire, and talk about the likeability (or absolute lack thereof) we have for the narrator. we admire the meticulous way with which each sentence is unbelievably crafted, praise lauren oyler for her precise editing ability, and discuss how skills and talent do (or don’t) translate depending on the situation in which they’re used. we also talk about the reversal in the narrative and the way irony is used in both fake accounts and in megan boyle’s liveblog. shreds dunks on joey’s goodreads picture and pries into his dating life. joey (sort of accidentally) picks a perfect passage to read aloud. shreds avers his determination to reclaim certain “negative” words and makes a plea to our saudi arabian listeners.
reading list for season three
a touch of jen by beth morgan
the shore by katie runde
mount chicago by adam levin (bonus episode)
literally show me a healthy person by darcie wilder
amygdalatropolis by b r yeager
shitstorm by fernando sdrigotti
the novelist by jordan castro
17776 by jon bois
snow crash by neal stephenson
no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood
aesthetica by allie rowbottom
things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eric larocca
liveblog by megan boyle
neuromancer by william gibson
we had to remove this post by hanna bervoets
fake accounts by lauren oyler
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