how to win the lottery s3e18 – no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood
can a dog be twins? our next stop in our internet module is no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood. we talk about how the novel’s content (at least in the first-half) relies on existing (and somewhat inexplicable) scaffolding around internet humor as well as the way that it captures how fast trends happen and how the internet has an ability to change language forever. we compare it to darcie wilder’s literally show me a healthy person and talk about how lockwood’s priestdaddy informs this narrative. we also talk about the “stomach-dropping” moment midway through the novel, how that ties into the internet, and how the overall narrative reminds people there’s more to life than twitter. joey talks about delilah before bob re-affirms a pledge and teaches us all about juridical postulates (?).
reading list for season three
a touch of jen by beth morgan
the shore by katie runde
mount chicago by adam levin (bonus episode)
literally show me a healthy person by darcie wilder
amygdalatropolis by b r yeager
shitstorm by fernando sdrigotti
the novelist by jordan castro
liveblog by megan boyle
17776 by jon bois
snow crash by neal stephenson
no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood
aesthetica by allie rowbottom
things have gotten worse since we last spoke by eric larocca
neuromancer by william gibson
we had to remove this post by hanna bervoets
fake accounts by lauren oyler
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