2 Fast 2 Forever #073 – The Fast and the Furious (Lap 6)
We’re kicking it old school as we kick off Lap 6 on 2 Fast 2 Forever, and we’re heading back to Toretto’s Market and Cafe for The Fast and the Furious. Joining us to talk about all things F&F are Marines Alvarez and Nicole Sweeney, the co-hosts of the Snark Squad and Cooler Than Homework podcasts! In this episode, we learn about Nicole and Mari’s wildly different histories with the franchise, their favorite characters and movies in the series, and whether or not they they think The Fast and the Furious holds up nearly 20 years later. Also: what’s up with Hector? (Movie conversation begins around 29:30.)
Visit our Patreon page at patreon.com/2fast2forever. Extra special shout-out to Ben Milliman, Jake Freer, Alex Elonen, and Nick Burris for joining at the “Interpol’s Most Wanted” level or above!
Want to re-live past memories? Find all episodes from past laps here.
Intro music by Nico Vasilo. Interlude and outro music by Wes Hampton.
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